Well, we do offer an opportunity for students to work in a group with an instructor who is not their parent. In some cases, they may get to carry a lunchbox or a backpack. However, that is where the similarities end.
Horizons does not strive to imitate a school experience. Instead, Horizons programs like the Family Co-op assist families as they transition out of the traditional school mindset and into the homeschooling lifestyle. This happens quite naturally as seasoned veterans come alongside rookies, sharing their hard-earned wisdom, offering curriculum advice, and modeling strategies for a dealing with a multi-age learning environment.
Homeschooling parents AND kids are in need of support and encouragement. Here, children experience a safe, Christ-centered, parent supervised social environment where they can connect and build life-long friendships.
Our goal is to offer family-led, Christ-centered, and affordable academic and social enrichment opportunities to the homeschool community regardless of educational approach, to give students an introduction to a wide variety of study topics and expand their learning experiences, to inspire kids to want to learn more, and to provide fellowship and support for homeschooling families.
Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
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